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EMBRace in the News

Director, Dr. Riana Anderson presents at the Department of Behavioral Health Lunch and Learn Series! 


The presentation was entitled, "EMBRacing New Strategies for the Clinical Intervention of Racial Stress and Trauma in Black Families."

EMBRace is featured in Philadelphia Weekly with a piece written by Editor in Chief, Jacqueline Rupp.


"Among all the cor­rel­a­tions and the­or­ies and stud­ies, An­der­son has a simple, yet lofty goal. 'I want black fam­il­ies to be happy and healthy, that’s my life’s goal. Fam­ily to me isn’t just about one par­tic­u­lar unit but the great­er com­munity. This heal­ing is cru­cial for black fam­il­ies to live happy and healthy lives, be­cause in every step they take, they’re un­der siege. So hav­ing an in­ter­ven­tion on ra­cism is key.'"


Read more of the article here.

The Racial Empowerment Collaborative, led by Dr. Howard Stevenson, presents at the APA Division 45 conference for the Study of Race, Ethnicity and Culture at Stanford University in Palo Alto, CA.  

Graduate Students, Jennifer Jang, Tulsi Metha, Lauren Truskey and Program Coordinator, Monique McKenny presented a poster presentation on EMBRace at the Research, Policy, and Practice Conference on Oct. 26th. The conference was hosted by the School District of Philadelphia and Regional Education Laboratory (REL) Mid-Atlantic. 

Director, Dr. Riana Anderson and Clinician and Post-doctoral fellow Shawn Jones were featured in Huffington Post for their series of paychoeducation videos, Our Mental Health Minute.


Click here to read the article and here to watch their videos!  

Huffington Post 

REL Mid-Atlantic  

Dept. of Behavioral Health Lunch

philadelphia weekly 

stanford university 

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